JWOW APP now "LIVE" in Apple Store!

WOW!  Have you ever had a vision for something you felt called to manifest, create, walk out, bring into the world...and you had NO idea: how much work, what the timelines would be like, what you would need/get to walk through to have that vision "realized"?  Better yet, you had no idea that it could evolve into so much more than just the view looking through a fence peephole.

THAT is everything JWOW is today!  JWOW is... A "non-profit" JWOW ministry to be fed by several "for-profit JWOW companies, including a national/international franchise program.  Additionally, the vision has grown into fully sustainable, self-reliable communities complete with affordable housing, jobs and food.  We also have sight for a national network of JWOW Ministries food banks, weekly soup kitchen operation everywhere we are expanding our for-profit business into and a successful plan to reduce homelessness and eradicate hunger!  Worldwide!

March 28, 2023 is a giant milestone fulfilled with the successful creation of our JWOW mobile App!  This has been part of the vision from the very beginning.  Why?  I saw the JWOW App as a tool to create a JWOW worldwide network of Believers, so we can all do a little bit together, to move mountains of gargantuan proportion.  Unlike any network the world has ever seen!  This is all to fulfill my "Calling" by Jesus to: "Feed My Sheep".  In every way possible; including Matt. 25: 35-40 that when fulfilled 1) feeds the hungry 2) clothes the naked 3) provides shelter for those in need.

We can all agree that humanity's needs will continue to increase until Jesus returns.  Why? For now we are living in a world ruled by the enemy.  But don't lose hope, as it's only for a time.  Before we know it, we'll be Home!

If you haven't already, Join our JWOW Believer Network so you can be notified with every new "Message" (most are under twenty (20) minutes!), upcoming happenings, JWOW Swag promos, important announcements and more!

Finally, please share JWOW Ministries with everyone you know, as "It's About Love", just as my song lyrics share, which you can listen to easily on YouTube, as I made the title a link to it!  BTW: I'm not a professional singer, just a man living out my Purpose, that is to "Reflect God's Love".

Create a beautiful day in the Lord and...
God Bless You

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