New To JWOW Ministries?


1) Click here to see: JWOW Ministries' Mission & Vision 

2) Click here to  freely join JWOW worldwide Community we're building!

3) Creating "Home Church Community" (HCC)  Groups:
JWOW Ministries facilitates opportunities for YOU to connect with fellow Believers!  Through our Program: , we are creating  "Connection" between people, creating Community.  Just like how the early Church met!  To meet each others' needs, whether it be meeting & truly committing to Jesus for the very first time (or renewal),  engaging in life-giving community through unlimited person-to-person opportunities, or anything else we can dream is possible!  Everyone is welcome. We believe in creating Community so people can have authentic encounters with Jesus Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Watch and/or listen to our messages of Love.  Freely create or join a JWOW  "HCC"  Group to become part of this brand new dynamic worldwide network to connect with others!  Commit to creating acts of love and kindness in your physical community.  Reach into us to say "Hi" and let us know how we can support and pray for you!

What To Expect in a...
JWOW Home Church Community (HCC) Group

~Expect to meet Believers who know that with GOD, all things are POSSIBLE! 
~Connect!  Easier with small group, less intimidating! More authentic & genuine!
~Expect to be treated with LOVE, accepting & comprehending more & more, that you are a precious child of the Lord our God!
Expect miracles in this JWOW growing community of HCC Groups
Expect JWOW Ministries' Mission & Vision...fulfilled!

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you!   Fill in the fields below to connect with us!